Kevin McCarthy, with Hendry County Schools, saves the day with a loss prevention solution. Hendry County is a small school district located in southern Florida. Serving more than 7,000 students in grades K-12 at six elementary, two middle, and two high schools, there are an abundance of responsibilities that go into running institutions. One important responsibility is cultivating relationships with parents and community stakeholders, and also with businesses that aid in providing top-notch equipment and services, like Kitchen Brains.
It all started two years ago when Kevin McCarthy, Director of Hendry County School Facilities, Maintenance, & Transportation, proposed the installation of Kitchen Brains Modularm 75LC Remote Notification System. With Hendry County located in a hurricane-prone state, the school district wanted to take extra precautionary steps to avoid food spoilage from power outages. The 75LC Remote Notification System provided McCarthy with temperature and AC failure alarms when he needed them most. The system has continued to save energy, improve efficiency, reduce coil icing, lower maintenance costs, and help maintain product integrity. During a recent power outage, Hendry Schools remained calm despite the neighboring chaos.
In preparation for Hurricane Matthew, Hendry County’s entire school system was closed to be utilized as emergency shelters for the residents. “Had there been no notification of the power loss from Kitchen Brains 75LC, the food in our kitchen would have been warmed for three days and spoiled” said Kevin McCarthy. Instead, McCarthy was able to contact the power company Thursday afternoon and they were able to restore power in time to save the inventory. “It’s amazing that we live in a world where technology can alert us when there is a power outage, and when the power is restored,” said McCarthy. As of now, nine Hendry County School kitchens function with Kitchen Brains Modularm 75LC Remote Notification System. If you think your company can profit and save from custom timers, controllers, or appliance networking software visit our website at www.KitchenBrains.com, OR take direct action and schedule a consultation with a Kitchen Brains retail representative today.